
Create a project

  1. Under the Projects tab, click New Project.

New Project button
  1. Fill in the fields.

  2. Once you’re done, the window will be closed and the Projects will list the new project.

Create a project package

  1. While in the Files tab, click the Create Project Package button and select a target path for the project package.

Create Project Package button
  1. A list of files will be displayed. Select the one(s) you wish to include in the project package.

Import a project

  1. Under the Projects tab, click Import Project.

Import Package button
  1. Select the project package you wish to extract and then choose an empty directory for the project.

Create a return package

Imported projects do not have the Create Project Package button. They have the Create Return Package button instead.

  1. Click the Create Return Package button and select a target path for the return package.

Create Return Package button
  1. A list of files will be displayed. Select the one(s) you wish to include in the return package.

Update from a return package

Projects, from which a project package was created, will feature an additional button: Update From Package

  1. Click the Update From Package button and select the package.

Update From Package button
  1. Select the target files from the package.